contoh Summary tentang Deixis
Summary of Deixis by Fatihurrahman
term deiktikos, firstly comes
from Yunani, means that “thing that directly point out”. Then it has been taken
and reformed into an English word as Deixis. In English, The term deixis
applies to the use of expressions in which the meaning can be traced directly
to features of the act of utterance--when and where it takes place, and who is involved
as speaker and as addressee. In their primary meaning, for example, now
and here are used deictically to refer respectively to the time
and place of the utterance. Similarly, this country is likely to be
interpreted deictically as the country in which the utterance takes place.
Deixis means of an expression whose interpretation is
relative to the extralinguistic context
of the utterance, such as who is speaking the time or place of
speaking, the gestures of the speaker, or the current location in the discourse. Here are examples of deictic expressions: I, You,
Now, There, That, The following, Tenses. In the
other word, we say it is a word or phrase (such as this, that, these, those,
now, then) that points to the time, place, or situation in which the
speaker is speaking.
The are three types of Deixis, they are: personal
deixis, in which related to the
pronoun of the speaker whose utterence belong to, or the first person and one
for addresessee or we know as the second person. For example, shows below;
Ahmad : Hari ini saya akan pergi ke Surabaya. Kalau kamu?
Fatih :
Saya santai di rumah.
In that examples above, the use of pronoun “SAYA” can
belong to both speakers, the first SAYA
refers to Ahmad, and the second refers to Fatih. So, we can infer that the
pronoun “SAYA” has reference meaning which depends on the situation and
condition when the untterence is used. This call the Deixis, when the pronoun
can be used and moved depending on the the situation when and where probably
the utterence spoken.
The words like this and that and here
and there belong to a system of spatial deixis. The here/there
distinction is also found in pairs of verbs such as come/go and bring/take.
. . .for more example:
: I will go that city someday, will you go there either?
Fatih : O.K. I will meet you there.
There is also temporal deixis
found in words like now, then, yesterday, and tomorrow, and in
phrases such as last month and next year." The use now,
tomorrow etc. Do not indicate that the time Now and Tomorrow are used at the
same time of the day when the utterence used. For instance, “tomorrow i am going
to marry you” this not indicate that tomorrow on June, 2015 the merriage
between you and me probably accure. It depends on when the utterence is used by
the speakers. There always probability in temporal deixis, the utterence may
happend in 1998, 2005 atc. It also has the same case with the use of Now.