contoh analisis speech act teorinya austin

08:38 Fatihurrahman 0 Comments

An analysis on Speech act: Austin’s theory of performative act
Oleh: Fatihurrahman

                Austin, in his theory of performative acts, he tries to explain that an utterence which is uttered by a speaker has a meningfull message, in which addressed to the hearers and/or the readers to do what is uttered. On the other hands, every single word comes out by human lips carries a meaning. In his theory, Austin also emphasizes  that "to say something may be to do something". By emphasizing that, then he issues performative acts which is parted into three types: locutionary act is the act  of saying something and/ or what is said; illocutionaryact is the act performed  in saying something; The  perlocutionary act is the act performed  by, or as a consequence of, saying something.
            There is no singel meaning of an utterence, therefore, the picture above may have many meanings. Firts, it may indicate that the sentence on the picture “Ngamen gratis kecuali afgan/ayu ting-ting” is a warning for a singing beggar for not doing ngamen in that place. The sentence which  is written by the owner of the house is as lucotionary act, which is addressed to readers. in this case a singing beggar and it is also supposed to be understood them. if the singing beggar pass the house, it means that the intended message is well-recognized by the pengamen. It is called as illocutionary act. Then, the result of understanding an utterence uttered by the owner will be done by singing beggar. it can be indicated when they just pass the house and doing ngamen in the other houses next.  It is known as perlucotionary act.
Second, if there are still singing beggar who do ngamen, it means that, they cannot read at all. So the massege of the written utterence has no meaning by them. One thing that should be considered by the owner of the house, not all of the singing beggar has an educational background. Thus, by sticking a written warning utterence will no longger be efficient.

The last, the owner intentionaly writes the sentence “Ngamen gratis kecuali afgan/ayu ting-ting” to warn the singing beggar, even they do ngamen, they will not get money and/or they will pass the house after reading it. If they do so, means that the lucotinary and illucotionary have been conveyed properly. Then, the last is the act which is based on their understanding,  it is called as perlucotionary act.