contoh analisis locutionary, illocutionary dan perlocutionary act

08:43 Fatihurrahman 6 Comments

An analysis of Speech act: J.L. Austin’s theory of performative act
Oleh: Fatihurrahman

J.L. Austin, in his theory of performative acts, he tries to explain that an utterence which uttered by a speaker has a meningfull message, in which addressed to the hearer and or listener to do wtat is uttered. On the other hands, every single word comes out by human lips carries a meaning. It means, no word has no meaning. In his theory, Austin also emphasize  that "to say something may be to do something". By emphasizing that, then he issues performative acts which is parted into three types: locutionary act is the act  of saying something and/ or what is said; illocutionaryact is the act performed  in saying something; The  perlocutionary act is the act performed  by, or as a consequence of, saying something.
 To make best understanding about those three types of performative acts, then I do analyzing two short conversations between two persons who are in very closed relationship, yet their names will not be stated as what it is! Thus, they are initialized as A and B. The following conversation are:
Conversation 1
A: whatch out! There is a car.
B: Well, thank you.
A’s utterence is a warning to B to be more carefully in crossing the road, because there is a car which quicken in speedily. What A  says is what we call as locutionary act. Where the locutionary act performed by A is meaning by “Watch” and refering by “B”  on his act. B’s respose will indicate whether B understad or not about what  is the intended meaning of A by saying so. On one hand, the locutionary will seem to succed by looking at the B’s responce.  By responding “well, thank you” means that B understands about what is spoken by A. The intended message is well-recognized by B is called as illocutionary act. Then, the result of understanding an utterence utterd by A will be done by B. It is known as perlucotionary act.
Conversation 2
A: Can you come over to my parent’s bith day party tonight?
B: I must vinish my homework.
We can do so by noting that under the right conditions, one can urge just by saying, “Can you come over to my parent’s bith day party tonoght?”, while the adreessee respond by saying, “ I must vinish my homework”. What we can analyse, the addressee replies by using indirect speech act. The Addressee’s utterance may indicate that: “the homework must be assembled tomorrow” and/or “he/she is too busy to join the party”. The example above refers to the Indirect speech act. Form that example I myself  also derived into three kinds of speech acts, the first is Lucotionary, means that the sentence “Can you come over to my parent’s bith day party tonight?” contain of what is said by the speaker and well-undestood by the addressee. The lucotionary act has a literal meaning whether the utterance will be perfomed or not, it is not important. The second, Illucotinary act, means that the utterance above “I must vinish my homework” is not just informing to the speaker that he/she has homework to be done. Yet, the utterance will have an impact toward the speaker’s performance. It is known as perlucotionary act.
To sum up, a speaker not merely produces an utterance but she/he also tries to communicate something by using an utterance. On the other hand, the speaker wants the hearer to respond what is said by him or her. Thus, in every single word and/or an utterence spoken by speaker  is always has a meaning and the speaker supposes the hearer to do what is said. Because what is said is not merely what it is. it is what J.L. Austin meant in his theory of performative acts.  


contoh analisis speech act teorinya austin

08:38 Fatihurrahman 0 Comments

An analysis on Speech act: Austin’s theory of performative act
Oleh: Fatihurrahman

                Austin, in his theory of performative acts, he tries to explain that an utterence which is uttered by a speaker has a meningfull message, in which addressed to the hearers and/or the readers to do what is uttered. On the other hands, every single word comes out by human lips carries a meaning. In his theory, Austin also emphasizes  that "to say something may be to do something". By emphasizing that, then he issues performative acts which is parted into three types: locutionary act is the act  of saying something and/ or what is said; illocutionaryact is the act performed  in saying something; The  perlocutionary act is the act performed  by, or as a consequence of, saying something.
            There is no singel meaning of an utterence, therefore, the picture above may have many meanings. Firts, it may indicate that the sentence on the picture “Ngamen gratis kecuali afgan/ayu ting-ting” is a warning for a singing beggar for not doing ngamen in that place. The sentence which  is written by the owner of the house is as lucotionary act, which is addressed to readers. in this case a singing beggar and it is also supposed to be understood them. if the singing beggar pass the house, it means that the intended message is well-recognized by the pengamen. It is called as illocutionary act. Then, the result of understanding an utterence uttered by the owner will be done by singing beggar. it can be indicated when they just pass the house and doing ngamen in the other houses next.  It is known as perlucotionary act.
Second, if there are still singing beggar who do ngamen, it means that, they cannot read at all. So the massege of the written utterence has no meaning by them. One thing that should be considered by the owner of the house, not all of the singing beggar has an educational background. Thus, by sticking a written warning utterence will no longger be efficient.

The last, the owner intentionaly writes the sentence “Ngamen gratis kecuali afgan/ayu ting-ting” to warn the singing beggar, even they do ngamen, they will not get money and/or they will pass the house after reading it. If they do so, means that the lucotinary and illucotionary have been conveyed properly. Then, the last is the act which is based on their understanding,  it is called as perlucotionary act.


Politik Bima- Mbojo

22:41 Fatihurrahman 0 Comments

Suara MAK
Oleh: Hitaf Tanu

Mak, aku tahu sebentar lagi suara mu akan diperhitungkan, aku juga tahu kau tidak begitu tahu mana diantara mereka yang patut kau berikan suara mu. Tapi yakinlah semua dari mereka itu adalah pantas. Sudah beberapa  hari berlalu, suara teriakan kiri dan kanan mu begitu menggema. Tapi kau tetap tidak tahu, apa gerangan suara mengusik telinga itu, hanya satu dari kian ribu hal yang kau tahu, mereka adalah orang-orang yang berjas dan berdasi, bersepatukan yang menyilaukan mata. Mereka adalah calon nahkoda tanah di mana engkau dan aku  ditumpahkan. Begitu banyak tim sukses yang silih berganti, siang malam, datang bergantian. Hanya untuk mengemis satu suara polos mu. Apakah merek tidak baik? Mereka juga orang baik mak.  
Mak, sekarang kau begitu diinginkan oleh mereka yang dibalut jas-jas bermerek. Sekarang kau bagai ratu semalam. Segala ingin mu mereka penuhi. Mereka begitu baik. Tapi baik yang semoga tidak hanya singgah untuk keperluan sesaat, sepeti yang terjadi berpuluh-puluh tahun silam.
Mak, kau amatlah polos, sebab semua hal yang mereka    ceritakan, kau ceritakan pula pada kami. Tetapi dengan kepolosan mu, membuka semua tabir-tabir hitam yang ada di balik licinnya pakain yang mereka kenakan. Dibalik terhormatnya kulit epidermis mereka. Sekarang aku tahu semuanya. Meski aku tak mampu untuk menghentikan semua itu. tapi yakinlah, akan ada orang yang bisa menjatuhkan dan merobohkan tabir-tabir itu. seperti yang terjadi pada masa rezim suharto, saat itu ada Bang iwan fals, yang selalu meneriakan perlawanan-perlawananya lewat lirik-lirik lagu yang ia nyanyikan. sekarang bang iwan sudah renta mak, dan masa karya-karya pro rakyatnya pun mungkin sudah tidak sekuat pada masa kediktatoran suharto. Akan ada yang lebih dari itu, yang akan siap merobohkan tembok hitam itu.
Mak, doakan kami, sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, yang insya Allah., semoga bisa menjadi penerus yang terhindar dari kata KORUPSI, KOLUSI dan NEPOTISME. Semoga kami bisa bergerak tanpa ada embel-embel politik. Semoga krisis politik sehat di masa sekarang tidak  terjadi di masa kami.
Mak, Sudah berapa banyak orang berdasi naik turun ke gubuk mu? Mungkin sudah terlalu banyak, sampai sampai kau lupa bagaimana garis wajah mereka. Aku tahu kau tak pernah peduli siapa yang nantinya akan duduk di kursi yang harganya bermiliyaran itu. kursi termahal sepanjang sejarah kemanusiaan. kau juga tak pernah tahu, begitu banyak orang yang merauh keuntungan dari kegiatan yang diadakan setiap lima tahun sekali itu. karena kau begitu polos akan hal yang berbau politik. Yang kau tahu adalah memilih karena dikasih kertas berwarna biru dan merah. Kau pun tak tahu dibalik pemberian itu, suara mu telah terbeli dengan harga sekian ratus ribu dengan keuntungan sekain miliaran Rupiah yang berpihak didompet mereka. Tapi ingatlah Mak, semoga yang terpilih adalah yang bisa mengubah pahit menjadi manis, mengubah gelap menjadi terang, yang bisa mengubah sempit menjadi luas. Dan itu menjadi harapan kita semua.
Mak, senyummu begitu menyeka, bersinar membinar, memudarkan garis-garis keriput di wajahmu, tetapi akankah senyum itu terus memekar sama seperti hari di mana mereka mengicaukan beribu patah manis. Masihkah mereka mau datang ke gubuk tua mu kelak jika mereka sudah terpilah dan terpilih? Masihkah? Itulah yang selalu aku semogakan. Ataukah nanti mereka akan terlalu sibuk, bahkan mendengar keluh, kesahmu saja tak sempat. Mendengar bunyi perut lapar saja mungkin akan diabaikan. Dan sampai memudar pula senyum itu dari wajahmu. Mereka akan terlalu sibuk, mengumpulkan rupiah demi rupiah untuk menutupi lubang dompet mereka yang sempat terkuras saat pesta lima tahun sekali itu. jika hal demikian terjadi, mulut banyak membusa, berteriak ke sana ke mari. yang awalnya pro menajdi kontra, dan yang kontra makin menjadi-jadi. Lalu, pantaskah aku, mak, dan kamu mengkritisi kinerja mereka. Di sana mengatakan pantas, karena haknya tidak dipenuhi, sedang di sini bersorak tak pantas, karena suara kalian telah ku beli dengan rupiah. Lalu siapaa yang patut untuk disalahkan? Apakah takdir? Tidak demikian. Tapi yakinlah, diantara sekian orang itu, akan ada yang mengubah asa menjadi manis asi kehidupan, yang mengubah lapar menjadi kenyang dan untuk mencapai semua itu, kuncinya ada ditangan mak-mak semuanya. Bukan di tangan kami yang berada diperantauan ini.