contoh makalah tentang Speech Therapy: Speech delayed On Autism

Fatihurrahman, 2015, A Speech Therapy: Speech Delayed On Autism Child. English Language and Letter Depatment, Humanities and Culture Faculty, States Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Lecturer: Rohmani  Nur Indah, M. Pd.

Key words: Therapy, speech delayed, speech therapy, Autism Child.

Therapy adalah usaha untuk pemulihan kesehatan bagi orang yang menderita penyakit. Dalam penelitian ini, therapy yang dimaksud merupakan  alternatif untuk mengobati  penyakit speech delayed atau keterlambatan bicara untuk anak penyandang autisme atau dengan kata lain pengobatan dan perawatan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan kelainan wicara dan bahasa. Pada umumnya Autism adalah penyakit yang memiliki indikasi keterlambatan bicara bagi penyandangnya disamping indikasi-indikasi lainnya. Keterlambatan bicara merupakan salah  satu tanda penyakit ini. Oleh karena itu, menurut peneliti, membahas keterlambatan bicara yang dihadapi oleh anak autisme merupakan hal yang sangat urgen.
Fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat, yang memandang rendah penyandang penyakit ini, dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap penyakit autis merupakan salah satu alasan kenapa topik ini menarik untuk dibahas dan perbincangkan. Masyarakat nomal memandang sinis para penyandang Autis dan bahkan mereka tidak peduli terhadap kesembuhan penyandang Autis tersebut. Lebih parahnnya lagi, anak-anak ini malah tersisihkan dari lingkungan mereka sendiri.
Autisme sama halnya dengan penyakit-penyakit lain, memiliki tanda-tanda. Tanda-tanda yang diperlihatkan autisme adalah keterlambatan bicara, fisik, berkomunikasi, kontak mata, dan dari kelakuan meraka. Dengan mengetahui tanda-tanda tersebut sejak dini, makan akan membantu para dokter dan orang tua serta orang-orang dilingkungannya supaya menemukan therapy yang cocok untuk mereka.
Ada banyak jenis pengobatan  yang ditemukan oleh para ahli untuk menerapi panyandang autis, seperti therapy non-verbal dan verbal communication yang praktis dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan tidak terbatas oleh ruang dan waktu. Praktisnya terapi ini bisa dilakukan dirumah oleh siapa saja. Dengan adanya makalah karya ilmiah diharapkan mampu memberikan pengetahuan baru bagi pembaca, khususnya mereka yang memiliki hubungan langsung dengan panyandang autis. 

1. Introduction
1.1         Background of Study
Language is something that the first thing needed by humans being in life–whether the language is gesture or body language and spoken language or utterance, that is why we call human being as a social person, due to its crucial, by obtaining a better speech therapy for children to whom have a kind of speech delayed whether it caused by Down syndrome, Dyslexia, Autism, etc. Therefore, when someone is born, parents talk to their baby by using whether spoken language and body language. Occasionally, parents speak the language to the baby inappropriately. By means that, the language uttered is not the way the language is! For instance, makan into ma’am, etc. People surrounding a child also have a contribution for teaching a baby those two kind of the ways language comprehended and acquired. When parents teach their kids, they have to be more sensitive toward the development of their child’s language acquisition.
Those two kinds of obtaining the language, it can be derived into some parts of children’s acquiring the language, namely, listening, comprehending, and finally they will be able to produce words and structure the words into a sentence successfully and accurately. Yet, a process of acquiring a language is almost not the same, some may have falicities and some may not. In the other words, Some of them can get difficulties since they were child.
We just passed the day of World Autism Awareness Day, which is celebrated every years. Three days ago, exactly on 2th April, 2015 people all over the world celebrated it. According to Malikha, “Terapi yang tepat seperti terapi modifikasi perilaku bahkan bisa meyembuhkan 47 persen penyandang autis, walau tidak ada yang bisa memastikan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyembuhkan autis. Tapi, makin cepat autis ditangani, makin cepat perubahan yang akan dialami anak demi perkembangan perilaku dan tumbuh kembangnya(2015)”. She is also as a psychologist at Klinik dan Sekolah Khusus Autis Anak Mandiri ini. Therefore, it is important to know the world of Autism. By knowing it, as a normal men, they are our responsibility– not merely their parents’, to treat them as special as we can. According to dr Budi Novitri SpA (2015), autis bukanlah penyakit, sehingga tidak bisa diobati seperti penyakit biasa. Bahkan hingga saat ini belum diketahui penyebab pasti adanya autis pada anak. Bisa karena faktor genetik, proses prenatal, maupun gangguan pada syaraf otak.
According to Warber, he says that It is also important to realize that children with speech delay are simply late talkers and go on to develop an age-appropriate vocabulary and speech skills. In these cases, the children may not have any underlying medical condition (n.d)”. To know whether a baby is  normal or not­– he has a deasese like Down Sindrom, Autism, etc, parents should know their baby’s language development under age  about  2 up to 4. If a baby does not comprehend and verbalize words adequetely compared to others child at the same age. It implies that the baby has a matter. Hence, this paper will examine much more about the Speech Delayed on Autism and its solution. Ordinarily, Speech Delayed can be detected since a baby such as  speech delayed on dyslexia, speech delayed on stuttering, speech delay on Autism, and speech delayed on  Down syndrome and the like. Meanwhile, this paper will much more focus on speech delay on Autism Child which discuss on its definition, signs of Autism, and kind of speech therapy for Autism.
1.2.      Research Problems
Based on the background of the study above, the research problems are formulated as follows:
2.1.      What is the definition of speech delayed and Autism?
2.2.      What signs of Autism?
2.3.      What kind of  speech therapy for speech delayed on Autism?

2. The Discussion
2.1.      Speech Delayed and Autism
Autism and speech delay are often interrelated. Problems with verbal language are among the most common signs of autism because a child with autism generally experiences considerable speech problems. However, speech delay also may indicate other health problems. Early diagnosis and treatment of autism and any similar condition can help a child significantly improve speech skills. On the other hand, Autism and Speech Delayed are things which unsperable. The indeed explanation about Speech Delayed and Autism are formulated as follow:
              A. Speech delayed
Speech delayed also known as alalia, refers to a delay in the development or use of the mechanisms that produce speech[1]. Speech, as distinct from language, refers to the actual process of making sounds, using such organs and structures as the lungs, vocal cords, mouth, tongue, teeth, etc. Language delay refers to a delay in the development or use of the knowledge of language because language and speech are two independent stages, they may be individually delayed. For example, a child may be delayed in speech (i.e., unable to produce intelligible speech sounds), but not delayed in language. In this case, the child would be attempting to produce an age appropriate amount of language, but that language would be difficult or impossible to understand. Conversely, since a child with a language delay typically has not yet had the opportunity to produce speech sounds, it is likely to have a delay in speech as well[2]. While language delayed  is a communication disorder. A child is said to have a language delay if he or she does not meet the language developmental milestones for his or her age. Language may be developing, but it is at a slower rate than the norm for the child's age. According to DePietro, speech delayed can involve a hearing, speech, or language impairment, or a combination of two impairments or all three. Language and speech disorders are common. According to the University of Michigan Health System, they affect up to 10 percent of preschool-age children[3].
There are many possible causes for speech or language delays in children. In some instances, more than one factor contributes to the delay. Some common causes include:
  • Hearing impairment: It is common for children who have a hearing impairment to also have a language impairment. In very young children, a hearing impairment may be overlooked. If a child cannot hear language, learning to communicate can be difficult.
  • Autism: Although not all children with autism have language delays, autism frequently affects communication.
  • Psychosocial factors: Several psychosocial issues can cause language delays. For example, severe neglect can lead to problems with language development.
  • Intellectual disabilities: Various intellectual disabilities can also cause language delays. For instance, learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, may cause language delays in some cases.
2.1.2       2. Autism
Being a very different person caused by some kind of uncommon desease such an Autism in the world is disguisting to most of people. To them, they do not really care about Autism’s condition. Moreover, Autism needs a special treatment from whom are normal. According to Zander Autism is something is characterised by severe and pervasive impairments in several important areas of development: reciprocal social interaction and communication as well as behaviour, and imagination. In order to be diagnosed with autism, the behavioural symptoms in all of the above-named areas must be present by age 3. Even if the parents often notice that something is wrong during infancy, it is very difficult to diagnose autism before the age of eighteen months. This is because the behavioural symptoms used to establish the diagnosis have not clearly emerged developmentally until that age[4].
Basically, an Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. On the other hand, Autism is a kind of milion deaseses attached on humans being. Yet, not the whole deseases present itself during a baby. One of the deseases which present during a baby is Autism.

2.2.      Signs of Autism
According to Cambridge Dictionary Sign is something showing that something else exists or might happen or exist in the future[5]. In this case, what signs mean is that the sign which presents on Autism. Here, Medical professionals propose some ways to detect the sign of Autism Children. They said that the signs are often able to be detected signs as young as posible, around  1 year old. As stated by the Centers for Disease Control[6] (2010), some of the early signs that would indicate you should seek medical help are:
  • No smiling or happy expressions in babies from six months on
  • No babbling by 1 year old
  • No "sharing" of baby sounds, such as smiling, sounds, or facial expressions with caregivers, from 9 months on
  • Not responding to name by 12 months
  • Not pointing to objects to show interest by 14 months
  • No words by 16 months
  • No spoken phrases (two words together) by 24 months
  • Loss of speech, at any age
Some children seem to develop normally up until about 2 years of age and then they lose skills and stop gaining new skills. Early intervention programs are beneficial to children with autism so parents seeing any of the signs should speak with their doctor about autism. Early intervention programs help children from birth to age 3 and help develop skills such as walking, talking and social interactions[7].  
By discovering those signs above, hopefully parents have to be more sensitive to look their children’s developmental– fisically, language used, speech error, language delayed and speech delayed,  in every day life. Because those items will change ongoing of children’s life. What should parents considere is  that whether the change is positive or negative.

2.3.   Speech Therapy of Speech Delayed On Autism Child
Before doing a therapy, as parents, doctors, or other  experts beyon that. Firstly they have to identify the matter that ailed by children. To just Identify it is not adequate, yet they have to be together with them for at least a month, so that they may diadnose what kind of desease that faced by them. It is  not wrong when a doctor ammediately diagnoses them by only once investigating, still much more inaccurate. Hence, they have to inquest more. On the other hand, they have to do investigating periodically to detect the illness on them, whether it is Syndrome, Aphasia, Autism and the like.
After undertaking some investigations, whether on speech, language, hearing, or developmental problems do exist on them, early intervention can provide the help a child needs. And when you have a better understanding of why your child isn’t talking, you as parents or doctors can learn ways to encourage speech development for them. Actually, there are many things parents can do to help children with autism overcome their challenges. Yet, it's also important to make sure you get the support you need. When you're looking after a child with autism, taking care of yourself is not an act of selfishness—it's a necessity.  Being emotionally strong allows you to be the best parent you can be to your child in need. These parenting tips can help by making life with an autistic child easier which proposed by Melinda Smith, M.A., those are as followed:
According to Smith, Segal, and Hutman (2015), there are some tips proposed by them to use at home by parents who have Autism children:
·             Spend a lot of time communicating with your child, even during infancy—talk, and encourage imitation of sounds and gestures.
·           Read to your child, starting as early as 6 months. You don’t have to finish a whole book, but look for age-appropriate soft or board books or picture books that encourage kids to look while you name the pictures. Try starting with a classic book (such as Pat the Bunny) in which the child imitates the patting motion, or books with textures that kids can touch. Later, let your child point to recognizable pictures and try to name them. Then move on to nursery rhymes, which have rhythmic appeal. Progress to predictable books (such as Eric Carle’s Brown Bear, Brown Bear) that let kids anticipate what happens. Your little one may even start to memorize favorite stories.
·           Use everyday situations to reinforce your child’s speech and language. In other words, talk your way through the day. For example, name foods at the grocery store, explain what you’re doing as you cook a meal or clean a room, point out objects around the house, and as you drive, point out sounds you hear. Ask questions and acknowledge your child’s responses (even when they’re hard to understand). Keep things simple, but never use “baby talk” Whatever your child’s age, recognizing and treating problems early on is the best approach to help with speech and language delays. With proper therapy and time, your child will likely be better able to communicate with you and the rest of the world[8].

Besides, knowing those tips above which proposed by Melda Smith is not enough, it is better to know other ways or tips which related to nonverbal ways. Non-verbal ways can be  better to connect with a child with autism can be challenging. In case of this ways, you don’t need to talk in order to communicate and bond with them. You communicate by the way you look at your child, the way you touch him or her, and by the tone of your voice and your body language. Your child is also communicating with you, even if he or she never speaks. Yet, we know that every single child with Autism occasionally has different needs in ways of communication. Some may have difficulties on such a communication like nonverbal ways and some may not. So that, it is better for doctors, particularly for parents who are closer to them to know more about the knowledge of  the ways  to nurse their Autism children. Here are the ways of nonverbal communication You just need to learn proposed by on one of its articles:
  • Look for nonverbal cues. If you are observant and aware, you can learn to pick up on the nonverbal cues that children with autism use to communicate. Pay attention to the kinds of sounds they make, their facial expressions, and the gestures they use when they’re tired, hungry, or want something.
  • Figure out the need behind the tantrum. It’s only natural to feel upset when you are misunderstood or ignored, and it’s no different for children with autism. When children with autism act out, it’s often because you’re not picking up on their nonverbal cues. Throwing a tantrum is their way communicating their frustration and getting your attention.
  • Make time for fun. A child coping with autism is still a kid. For both children with autism and their parents, there needs to be more to life than therapy. Figure out ways to have fun together by thinking about the things that make your child smile, laugh, and come out of their shell. Your child is likely to enjoy these activities most if they don’t seem therapeutic or educational.
  • Pay attention to your child’s sensory sensitivities. Many children with autism are hypersensitive to light, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Other children with autism are “under-sensitive” to sensory stimuli. Figure out what sights, sounds, smells, movements, and tactile sensations trigger your kid’s “bad” or disruptive behaviors and what elicits a positive response[9].
Those treatmets can help parents to communicate with their children to whom need a special treatment in case of communication. Those tips also proposed due to the problems faced by humans being to treat an Autism child. 
3. Conclusion
3.1. Conclusion
Language is humans being needs. No life without language. On the one hand, language and humans being are two things that are so closely connected that they cannot be considered separately. Hence, by obtaining better speech therapy for children, epecially fro whom have an Autism desease– expecially speech delayed on them, can help them to be able to communicate to one another. Therefore, there are some tips or/ and ways should be aware by parents, namely, verbal and non-verbal communication.
Futhermore, in acquiring language for an Autism, there are two things which are related each other, they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication, some children may have difficulties in one of them and some may not. Those two kinds of the ways of communication, parents should know more about. Yet, their children will face the different difficulties in acquiring tand comprehending the language. In verbal communication, you use your spoken language skill to talk to your autism children. In contras, In non-verbal communication parent does not need to produce some utterances when talking to their Autism children.
In addition to, when speech delayed exists to the childrens, means they have matter should be cure. It can be Down Sidrom, Aphasia, Autism and the like. Speech delayed is a sign of those desease in particularly Autism.
3.2. Recommendation
Hopefully, this work can have a contribution to help the reader’s understanding about the speech delayed which focused on Autism children. Also, can change their perspective about Autims because a phenomenon in a society, Autism is something disgusting and none people surrounding them pay much more attention to them besides their families. the presence of this work due to the less of people knowledge about Autism, particulalry those who treat Autism children in bad ways.   

4. References
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Data & Statistics," Reviewed 2010, May 13, Staff Writer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Third Edition
Nelson, Amy.M.A. CCC-SLP. Date reviewed: October, 2010. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. Updated 2011, June 15, Staff Writer: Autism Fact Sheet.

Smith, Melinda, M.A. and Segal, Jeanne, Ph.D., and Hutman, Ted. Ph.D. UCLA Center for Autism Research & Treatmentt. Last updated: February 2015.

Zander, Eric. 2004.  Introduktion om autism: An introduction to autism. Translation by: Scott Spellerberg, 2005: Autismforum. Hal.1

[3] University of Michigan Health System.
[4] Zander, Eric. 2004.  Introduktion om autism: An introduction to autism. Translation by: Scott Spellerberg, 2005, hal.1

[5] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s dictionary, third edition.
[6] "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Data & Statistics," Reviewed 2010, May 13, Staff Writer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[8] Smith, Melinda, M.A. and Segal, Jeanne, Ph.D., and Hutman, Ted. Ph.D. UCLA Center for Autism Research & Treatmentt. Last updated: February 2015.

[9] National Institute of Mental Health